
EHRs-C , a correctional health care and
tecnological innovation for all your
health records.

EHRs-C Advantages

If you have delivered correctional health care services, you know that effective time management is essential to provide care in a timely manner, as well as to comply with required governing standards. Illegible handwriting, missing signatures, misfiled or unavailable health records can slow down the clinic, add stress, increase expenses and compromise efficiency. 
 By using the EHRs-C, you can expect to greatly reduce or eliminate all of these highly problematic areas.

Time saving feature of the EHRs-C include:

  • Medication ordering and automatic delivery for nursing transcription
  • Instantaneous and simultaneous access to inmates' records
  • Efficient and expedient medication passes
  • Ease of care coordination
  • Immediate access to administrative and clinical reports and statistics
  • Immediate access to upcoming schedules and appointments

Increase operational efficiency and reduce costs

With the EHRs-C, when a provider enters a medication order, it is automatically sent via electronic transmission to the nurse assigned to the housing area for transcribing. This means no more rewriting prescriptions, not wasting time finding and filing material in paper records.

The EHRs-C also lends to having instantaneous access to an inmate's medical record. By simply entering any identifying information or scanning a barcode, (inmate name, date of birth, con number, etc.), a provider can automatically access the inmate's medical record. The system also allows for multiple providers to be viewing or documenting in an inmate's record at the same time.

The EHRc-S also enables more efficient medication passes. Using a small tablet or laptop, the nurse has instantaneous access to the inmates' charts and can document medication administration much faster as compared to when using paper records. Time used filing, editing and transcribing paper records is also eliminated.

Another great feature of the program is the ease of care coordination, as referrals are easily made to any of the disciplines or provider.

The program also generates automated daily reports with information including the Health Service Unit census, number of inmates seen and for what reason, as well as scheduled trips.

Inaccurate information and misinterpreting the prescriber's handwriting or clinician's progress notes can lead to serious and sometimes even lethal medical errors. The EHRs-C produces clear, legible notes that are easy to read both on the screen and printed.  It was built to ensure that essential patient health information is never omitted and will alert the user when required fields have not been completed, making complying with standards and requirements easier.

Improve the delivery of service at your site

Discover how to improve the ease of service delivery, while providing comprehensive care and operating your business more efficiently.

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Hear from our proud users about how EHRS-C make their day-to-day duties easier, so they can focus more on caring for patients..