Excellence and Expertise

in correctional health care and
tecnological innovation.

Now with EHRs-C

The EHRs-C will facilitate correctional health service clinics in saving time, money, and resources and seamlessly guide the provision of safe, high-quality, evidence-based care within every correctional facility.

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Increase operational efficiency and reduce costs

CSI has provided high-quality clinical care for thousands of incarcerated patients and has helped health services units increase operational efficiency and reduce their costs.

When looking for an electronic health record designed to address correctional health care needs while ensuring accurate, thorough and expedient health care service delivery at your site, the EHRs-C stands above all other electronic records.

At CSI, we have taken into consideration all of the intricacies of correctional healthcare practices and utilized a team of clinical professionals and health administrators with over 30 years of correctional health care experience to develop the EHRs-C.

The EHRs-C is a tailored and clinically driven electronic health record system designed to improve the quality, efficiency and cost of care and service delivery at each correctional site. This all encompassing and expansive software takes into account all aspects of the Health Services Unit, including impeccable evidenced based clinical practice and key administrative components that aid in the improvement of workflow, enhance staff and patient safety, reduce errors and ensure compliance with required accreditation standards (i.e. ACA, NCCHC and ICE). 

As the developers of the EHRs-C, we enthusiastically endorse our product not only because we created it, but because of our first-hand experience with its daily use and functionality while treating incarcerated patients.  

Improve the delivery of healthcare at your site.

Discover how to make it easier to deliver more care and
run your business more efficiently.

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Our clients can focus more on care...

Hear from our produd users about how EHRS-C make their day-to-day duties easier, so they can focus more on caring for patients..